After years of study and hard work, Gary Scarano, a man who’s dedicated his life to Christ, completed The Jesus Gospel. This work combines the New Testament into one text based on a timeline of events. Gary uses his knowledge of the Bible to share this chronology of Jesus Christ’s life on earth. This unique work is well cited and will help you in understanding the life of Jesus from before his birth to his disciples preaching the word. It is a must read for all Christians.
Joe Hoft – Conservative News Producer – Joe Hoft is a radio host and an author. He also contributes to his twin brother Jim’s award-winning conservative website, The Gateway Pundit.
The Jesus Gospel brings the life of Christ to readers in a way that is unique, exciting, and truly impactful. Gary Scarano’s decades of painstaking work weaves together the Savior’s earthly ministry to help us walk with Him like never before.
Tom Basile, Television News Anchor, Columnist and Author
The alignment and appendix of the four gospels put a new perspective on the ministry of Jesus. I recommend this book for a new approach to events that occurred two thousand years ago.
Alice James