Jesus Was the First Home Alone Child – Many of us know the Christmas movie that tells of an extended family going overseas for the holiday and, quite by accident, leaving their child Home Alone. The parents assume their child is with one of their relatives, and the relatives believe the child is with their parents. This all leads to the funny story of a young Kevin, played by Macaulay Culkin, left home alone for exactly three days and three nights (Tuesday morning to Friday morning). During the time being left “Home Alone” he “schools” and confounds two robbers trying to break into his parent’s house. Until recently I did know there was actually 4 total sequels to the original, (Yes there was 5 “Home Alone” movies made, but only the first two with the original cast).
I am sure you see the parallels between the Christmas movie “Home Alone” and the story of young Jesus being left behind for three days. You see Jesus was the first Home Alone Child.
Here are Some Similarities Between Jesus and Kevin “Home Alone”:
- They were both young boys
- Their parents were traveling with their extended families during a Holiday
- They were both left behind since the adults assumed their child was with other family members
- They were both left alone for three-days and three-nights
- They both surprised and amazed other adults with their knowledge and wisdom when during their time alone
But this is where the similarities end. This section of the Gospels is the last mention of Jesus’ Stepfather, Joseph. We can only assume some time between Jesus’ at 12 years old and when he started His ministry at 30-years old, Joseph died.
Jesus being “lost” in His Father’s house (the Temple) was also a foreshadowing of His future death where he would be buried and dead (lost in the grave)) for the same amount of time (three days and three nights) before His resurrection. Jesus also compares His being lost in the grave for three days and three nights with Jonah, who was in the belly of a great fish for the same amount of time (And this brings up an interesting question, if Jesus was indeed dead during this time, doesn’t that mean that Jonah as also dead in the great fish?).
Jesus astonished the Jewish leaders with His questions, His understanding, and His answers. One cannot help but wonder, were any of these leaders still alive when Jesus was tried and crucified? The Bible is silent on this, but it is clear that Jesus was NOT left alone in the grave, so we do not have to see eternal death, but enjoy eternal life with Him.
Jesus Was the First Home Alone Child
Yes, it is true, Jesus Was the First Home Alone Child and during the Christmas season, we celebrate His birth. We need not, however, elevate this above what he accomplished with His life, or what we can accomplish with Christ In US! Then we all can be “Home Alone” with Jesus 🙂 .